Cover of the podcast “Wild Baricco” a long conversation with the writer Alessandro Baricco Client: Il Post Podcast managers: Matteo Caccia and Valentina Lovato ← LES ECHOS WE | Living between two cultures Il Post | Christmas 2023 Subscription campaign...
“Living between two cultures” Client: Les Echos WE AD: Alice Lagarde ← Politico | Clarence Thomas created a confusing new rule that’s gutting gun laws il Post | Wild Baricco → ilmanifesto | The Berlinguer case LES ECHOS WE | Sobriety: what if we...
“Clarence Thomas created a confusing new rule that’s gutting gun laws” Client: Politico Art DIrection: Erin Aulov ← LES ECHOS WE | These city dwellers who have escaped Parisian life LES ECHOS WE | Living between two cultures → ilmanifesto | The...
“These city dwellers who have escaped Parisian life” Client: Les Echos WE AD: Alice Lagarde ← Caritas | Aiutaci ad aiutare Politico | Clarence Thomas created a confusing new rule that’s gutting gun laws → ilmanifesto | The Berlinguer case LES...
Pair of illustrations created for fundraising in favor of the communities affected by the flood in Emilia Romagna in May 2023. Prints available at the following link: